Take care how you speak to yourself, you're the only one listening.

Take care how you speak to yourself, you're the only one listening.Image

"A seismic shift happened when I finally decided––with Jaclyn's graceful and insightful help––that the person whose acceptance and love meant the most was actually me. It's been nothing short of life-changing."

— Carrie S.

"Through working with Jaclyn, I have experienced a vast improvement in my interactions with others, less with myself. I made some big shifts in boundary setting, self-care, and self-awareness that were remarkably subtle in their development. It wasn't like a light switch got turned on, more my actions became different––and more supportive of me––in a very natural way."

— Laura A.

" I’ve learned to challenge that little mean voice in my head, and I no longer live my life ruled by my inner bully. I have gained a sense of self that I could never have imagined, along with a love and appreciation for my mind and body, all thanks to Jaclyn's gentle guidance."

— Emma M.

Have you tried everything you can think of to change, and you still don't like yourself?

I have had so many conversations with women who genuinely believe that changing something about themselves is the only way they can feel good in their own skin and be liked by others.

I know this all too well because I spent decades believing the same thing.

But here's what I eventually learned:

What if there's nothing actually wrong with you? What if you didn't have to change a damn thing to be worthy of love?

Not your wobbly bits, not your laugh lines, not your greys, not your wardrobe, not your accent, not your smile, not your opinions, not your muchness. Not a damn thing.

I know, I know, I can feel you cringing, but hear me out.

I'm not saying you can't want to lose a little weight or color your roots, for example. I'm simply saying that there's nothing wrong with you.

You deserve all the grace, love, and acceptance exactly how you are at this moment.

So answer me this: If you truly believed you were worthy, what would change? What would you do differently? How would your life look?

If that version of life excites you, but you don't think it's possible,I'd love to help you find a way. Grab a spot on my calendar for a complimentary Total Self-Acceptance Session.

My specialty is helping amazing women who feel like they don't quite fit into society's mold find real contentment, happiness, and a life they genuinely love.

"Jaclyn helped me dig deep to find those areas where I lack the confidence to overcome my insecurities and find love within myself. Since she's done the work herself and gone through every struggle you are going through. She approaches her work with an understanding that's comforting, allowing you to be completely open in a safe space."

— Lisa L.

I cannot tell you how much my soul was fed by my Total Self-Acceptance Session. Truly, it was just what I needed, more awesome and less scary than I thought it would be! Thank you for living an "opened up" life and thereby inspiring the rest of us to do so!"

— Suzanne W.

“I just adore Jaclyn’s newsletter. I am a busy mom running my own business and I get so many emails into my mailbox that I don’t have time to read. But I always pause to read Jaclyn’s because they are fun, deep, inspiring and so to the point. And she leaves me feeling uplifted with a smile on my face”.

— Abi K

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