Go from self-doubt to unshakeable confidence.



so you can experience fulfillment, pleasure, and joy!


Go from self-doubt to unshakeable confidence.



so you can experience fulfillment, pleasure, and joy!


The inner mean girl is a tricky little devil

who can easily convince us we need to fix something on the outside in order to feel better on the inside.

Her battle cry may vary, but it sounds something like 'too fat', 'too tall', 'too short', 'too loud', 'too quiet', 'too old', 'too young', 'too different', 'too basic'.

She's the one who "shoulds" all over us.

Her taunts cause us to shapeshift by squeezing ourselves into whatever box she thinks we need to be in to be acceptable and free of shame. But in reality, her "solutions" make us feel shittier about ourselves.

And the more we feel shame, the more fuel she has to keep the insidious cycle going.

I want to help you tame your inner mean girl so that you can leave insecurity behind and show up to all parts of life with unshakeable self-confidence. 

I spent more time than I care to admit letting my inner mean girl run the show. And all it got me was a drawer full of Spanx and a crippling sense of worthlessness.

It wasn't until I learned to stop listening to her that I could start to actually like myself and create a the life of my dreams. I want to teach you the exact same tools I used to tame my inner mean girl so you can leave your insecurity behind.

Discover how implementing simple self-care practices can change the way you speak to yourself so that you have unshakeable self-confidence.

Connect with other women on the same journey so you can stop telling yourself the story of "I'm the only one" or "This works for everyone else but me."

Leave with tools to stop the thought pattern in real time, so you can stop picking yourself apart and start treating yourself like a friend.


  • Discover how implementing simple self-care practices can change the way you speak to yourself so you feel comfortable in your own skin.

  • Learn the cultural, emotional, and biological aspects of why the inner mean girl is the loudest voice in our head so that instead of falling for her trap, you can create the life you've always wanted but couldn't figure out how to get.

  • Leave with a 3-step roadmap to stop the thought pattern in real-time so you can stop "should-ing" on yourself and start treating yourself like a friend you enjoy being with.

It's the perfect starting point to create a life you love and is not nearly as hard as your inner mean girl wants you to think.

shared experiences

shared experiences


I'm no longer ruled by my inner bully...

"Jaclyn helped me completely redirect the mean little voice in the back of my head. I used to have a loop of brutal self-talk that played constantly in my mind telling me that I was unworthy, incapable, and unlovable. With her help and guidance, I’ve learned to challenge that voice in my head and am no longer ruled by my inner bully."


I'm no longer ruled by my inner bully..

"Jaclyn helped me completely redirect the mean little voice in the back of my head. I used to have a loop of brutal self-talk that played constantly in my mind telling me that I was unworthy, incapable, and unlovable. With her help and guidance, I’ve learned to challenge that voice in my head and am no longer ruled by my inner bully."

Signe M

No cliffhangers, just tools...

"Have you ever signed up for a free class only to feel disappointed because the coach left a cliffhanger and no real tools? This is not that class. Jaclyn teaches from a place of genuine authenticity. I left feeling like I had sound information and tangible tools to change how I speak to myself."

Anne-Marie Z

I now have a hefty toolbox....

"I spent my entire life feeling like everyone else had an instruction book for living, and there I was, standing on top of a 50-story building, being asked to clean the windows with no instructions or tools, not even any scaffolding! Jaclyn helped me assemble a hefty toolbox filled with simple but practical ways to navigate life and show up in a way that serves my needs."


No cliffhangers, just tools...

"Have you ever signed up for a free class only to feel disappointed because the coach left a cliffhanger and no real tools? This is not that class. Jaclyn teaches from a place of genuine authenticity. I left feeling like I had sound information and tangible tools to change how I speak to myself."

self-grace coaching

Most of my clients come to me because they want to feel good in the skin that they are in. They are convinced they are inherently too much and not enough, so they must fix something (or everything) about themselves to like themselves.

As a certified professional coach and energy healer, I help women release internalized criticism and shame so they can look in the mirror with grace, love, respect, and understanding.

My holistic approach to coaching can help you step into your worth and experience happiness, confidence, and freedom.

self-grace coaching

Most of my clients come to me because they want to feel good in the skin that they are in. They are convinced they are inherently too much and not enough, so they must fix something (or everything) about themselves to like themselves.

As a certified professional coach and energy healer, I help women release internalized criticism and shame so they can look in the mirror with grace, love, respect, and understanding.

My holistic approach to coaching can help you step into your worth and experience happiness, confidence, and freedom.